Accurate and Current GOM Data

Compare GOMsmart to other data sources and discover why no other resource can compare. GOMsmart delivers you the data you need, when you need it. GOMsmart is automatically updated whenever new data is available from BOEM and other GOMsmart/ESA proprietary sources. So Well Logs, maps, charts and reports you access on are always up-to-date, and always complete.
Current & Past Leases
GOMsmart opens immediately to lease data. View on a single screen the main Lease data: lease number, status, term, bonus and acreage. Then choose the type of detail you need: more information on Owners, Bids, Lease Remarks, Operating Rights, Units and Lease Description.

All data in GOMsmart is updated hourly every working day, giving you the freshest and most comprehensive picture available. View All Leases

GOMsmart carries every bid submitted on all lease sales since 1974 (Sale S1). Quickly determine how much was bid, which bids were accepted or rejected, how much money was left on the table and what companies partnered in submitting bids. Get details in the Bidding Report in only two clicks.
View All Bids

Operating Rights
GOMsmart provides full Operating Rights descriptions - including the portions of block and depths covered. Data is organized by date, assignee and type of operating assignment record.
View Operating Rights

One-Click Direct Access to BOEM Documents
GOMsmart gives you built-in direct access to scanned lease register pages, unitization and liability documents, plus production and activity reports submitted by operators and lessee.

See how GOMsmart can streamline your research. Sign-up for a Free Trial today.