Well Tests
Over 300,000 initial and production test records comprise the GOMsmart Well Tests database. Data on Well Tests are accessed through Wells, Completions or as separate reports. Data include Pressure (tubing, casing, shutin), Flow Rates, Test Time and Perforation Intervals.
Data Updates
The Well Test database is updated monthly.
The GOMsmart Well Test database includes data mined from BOEM and ESA’s own data research (*).
- Field Abbreviation
- Operator Number
- API Number
- Completion Interval
- Lease Number
- Completion Name
- Test Date
- Test Type
- Production Method
- Test Time (Hours)
- Oil Volume
- Gas Volume
- Water Volume
- BS & W Percentage
- Choke Size (in)
- Casing Pressure
- Tubing pressure
- Shut-in pressure
- Oil API Gravity
- Gas Specific Gravity
- Production Disposal Method
- Oil 24 Hour Rate
- Gas 24 Hour Rate
- Water 24 Hour Rate
- Test Gas-Oil Ratio
- Test Production Type
- API Number + Comp Interval*
- Pool Abbreviation (ESA)
- Field Name + Sand Name
- Test Date (Date Format)
- API Number + Comp Interval + Comp Date*
Test data are not directly mapped, but can be accessed in the Maps area through Completions and Wells.
Single-Feature Reports:
A summary report for Well Tests shows all tests associated with the entire well or the specific completion interval.
Multi-Feature Reports:
A report showing multiple Well Tests is easily created and downloaded.